Find out what's going on this week

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Worship Schedule


  • Orthros (Matins): 8:45am
  • Divine Liturgy: 10:00am


  • August 2: Paraklesis, 6pm
  • August 5: Great Vespers of Transfiguration, 6pm
  • August 6: Divine Liturgy for Transfiguration, 10am
  • August 9: Paraklesis, 6pm
  • August 14: Great Vespers of Annunciation, 6pm
  • August 15: Divine Liturgy for Annunciation, 10am


  • July 20: Divine Liturgy for the Prophet Elijah, 10am

Calendar of Events

Sunday, July 28
8:45 amOrthros
10 amDivine Liturgy
Wednesday, July 31
12 pmBible Study
Friday, August 2
6 pmParaklesis
Sunday, August 4
8:45 amOrthros
10 amDivine Liturgy
Monday, August 5
6 pmVespers for Transfiguration
Tuesday, August 6
10 amDivine Liturgy for the Transfiguration

Click here to view the full calendar >>